Interview with Anthony Nwahiri

Actor||Jingles/Voice-over Artist || Singer ||Rapper ||Motivational speaker.
  1. Briefly talk to Me about Anthony Nwahiri and what he does as an artist?

I am Anthony Nwahiri from the Eastern part of Nigeria, Imo state precisely. I’m an actor and voice-over artist. Though I have been acting for some years back, my journey to the big screens professionally began last year. Asides movies, I’ve also featured on music videos and commercials. I also got a nomination last year in the fast rising actor category of All Variety Award.

You are an Actor, Jingles/Voice-Over Artist, Singer, Rapper, and Motivational Speaker, which one best describes you here, and why?

As I said earlier, I’m best described as an actor and voice-over artist. Though I sing and rap mostly as a hobby, I’m still open to opportunities such as creating jingles for brands and commercials. But basically, I feature in Nollywood movies and look forward to being on the International screens soon.

What describes your day as an artist, and why?

My day as an actor is pretty interesting. I normally begin with my prayers before I head off to the gym. The rest of day is dependent on my plans. So I could create monologues or go for auditions. Most of the time, I spend my day at the movie location, doing what I know how to do best – acting.

It seem to me you spend most of your time as an Actor and/or a Motivational speaker, do you want to talk me through this two, please?

Yes, I spend most of my time as an actor, which I have earlier discussed. Being a motivational speaker comes naturally to me because I love encouraging people with my words.

Which genre is your music, and why is that important to you?

For songs, I go with RnB because that’s the genre that suits my voice texture. I also write songs that depict my feelings and the genre just fits perfectly.

Can you talk me through your motivation and or inspiration in Singing, Acting, Voice Over Artist, and your role as a Motivational Speaker!! What skills do you require to be able to perform all the roles effectively and successively?

One skill that have helped me is consistency. I have always been consistent in all I do. Another one is mastery and creativity. Whatever I find myself doing, I make sure I master it to perfection, adding my own special blend of creativity too!

Can you talk to me about :

(a)“Who are your target audience”, what influenced the decision to target them as your main people?

(b) “Where are your audiences and how do you reach them with your artworks?

(a) My target audience cuts across everyone that ensures that my movies are exceptional, from the crew to fellow actors and the fans too.

(b)My audience is basically online and that’s why I regularly create monologues and other artistic works on my social media platform.

Who are you collaborating with and what do you stand to benefit in that collaboration?

For now, I’ll describe myself as a freelancer. So I collaborate with people based on the contact available at that particular time.

When did you start Acting, Jingles/Voice-Over Artist, Singing, Rapping, and Motivational Speaking?

I started acting since I was a teen but as I explained earlier, it became professional early last year.

What is it that you expect the listeners/ audiences to get from your artworks (referring to what you do as an artist)? What does the artworks communicate about your personal life as most artists uses their artworks to express themselves?

 As an actor, I want to artistically depict reality to viewers. They should see me acting and be able to feel real like it’s a real life situation. I act according to the script I’m given so I wouldn’t say my skills depict who I really am. 

Are there any artists who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about them?

Denzel Washington is one actor that inspires me a lot. I like him because of the way he interprets his character and the way he motivates the youths in the field.

Describe your worst performance. What did you learn from this experience?

My worst experience was when I went extra mile for a job and still didn’t get a complete pay. That happened when I just began my journey but I’m wiser now.

Which qualities do you think make a great artist?

Diligence, commitment, and consistency

What is your advice to the aspiring artists?

I’ll advise them to be committed to themselves and to their skills. With commitment, comes consistency and with consistency, you’ll get a reward.


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