Interview with Kgosietsile Monoto

Interview With Kgosietsile Monoto of Carletonville, Khutsong.
  1. Briefly tell Me Who you are as an artist?

I am Rre-Dot

What is in the name and or Why the Name?

I got the name when I was still young and still learning. I later discovered that I am an Old Soul, that is why I added the “Rre”-which means “Ntate” or rather a father figure.

In Setswana “Rre” is an authoritative figure and the words of a father are respected, and failure to obey means that one loses the path.

2. What do you do as an artist?

I am a Poet, Mmoki and a Vocalist. I am currently working with a group called Bantu-Gang-Star and I am a Vocalist and Poet as well.

The current developments with the band is that we have met with different people from different walks of life. Interestingly, we have an opportunity of the forum availed itself which shed a light that will change and revolutionize the lives of the local people.

3. When did you started with this journey of been an artist (Vocalist, Mmoki and Poet)?

I started the journey in 2007, and by then I was still a scholar at UJ (University of Johannesburg) where I had mentors, specifically speaking, Napo Mashiane.

4. What are the memorable moments for you as an artist (Poet, Vocalist and Mmoki).

It was in Grahamstown where there was a show directed by Napo Mashiane which was about a “Big Phat Lady”. The second one was about sharing a stage with Lebo Mashile in Newtown , Johannesburg during the Cultural Exchange Faith Tourists from Armsterdam.

5. What is your regret about been an artist?

It took a lot of my studies because I later discovered that I immersed much on the arts.

6. How did you come out of the arts?

It was always a TAG of WAR between my studies and my creative work.

7. Where did you get your creativity from?

I got it from my mother only recently.

8. How did you find out?

I spend a decade away from home and when at home I wanted to know my ancestral background, only to find that my mother was and always has been Mmoki for her clan.

9. Do you like your artistic work?

Yes, and we also have started a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) called Khutsong Literary Club which is based at 7910 Nche Street Ext 2.

10. When did you established the NPO? Which position are you holding there?

We established it in 2013 and registered it in 2015. I am the Public Officer.

11. Is there a buy-in by the community with regard to what you are doing?

The community shows interest, but limited interest in a sense they will also speak positive about what we are doing though they do not commit financially.

12. What are the challenges that you are facing as artists?

What you hear and when you get to know more about the artists is two different stories in that the picture that is portrayed on media is different to the reality of their lives, eg, Don Matera, Kgafela Oa Magogodi, Ntate Rampolokeng, etc

13. What (do you think) makes the artists to hold on even when it is tough and challenging out there?

Innate dream of formerly great people who hoped that what is presented can change the world, and is an excursion for them. For them is like a gospel to which they aim to reach as many people as they possibly can.

14. What is your message to the readers and aspiring artists?

Creatives are here on the face of the earth to create nobility, inform principles and live a life of light. When you become a Creative, you become the brush of the Master Scroll.

15. What is your ambition?

Art is a weapon to be utilized in a way that can inform and instruct us. The vision is to collectivize our art forms to build a protective base for the artists.


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